Friday, May 25, 2012

Most significant event in May: Graduation.
These 3 years did not go by easily. Of course there were good times, but plenty of bad times too. Workload stress, internship stress, people to be wary of. Being in a tertiary institute taught me a lot more about people. More than I could ever imagine. Good ones, bad ones, fake ones... I make friends way too easily in the past, only to hurt myself. It is only in school, I learn to be more cautious of the people and its surroundings, and build walls around me; only letting people in whom I feel comfortable with. That goes without saying.
Speaking of which, I am really glad for my bunch of friends who stood by me, even though I did not get to meet some of them during graduation. Such a pity! But nevertheless, I thank God for what I have.
Here are some of my favourites -







