January was splendid. Not that I could recall what I did, but school days were short with three hours lecture a day and sometimes an hour and a half. That is if we skipped lessons. Spent a lot of time lazing around in solitude feeling all zen and also spent a huge portion of my time with the people that I hold dear. Caught up with people whom I've never seen for ages.
And today, the last day of January, I woke up to my Econs results and jumped around with joy. Nice mum brought me for a good dinner. Nice dad to pick us up after dinner. Everything was nothing short of perfect today!
If only the next 11 months could be spent like that too.
Foresee that I'll be having a love-hate relationship for the month of February. Special occasions aplenty but even plenteous amounts of revision and assignments to catch up too. Never have they once spared me during the CNY period. March would be another tough month but am hoping my family trip to wherever the plane takes us pans out and be a pleasant one!
Just, wake me up when March ends.