Sunday, January 23, 2011

Life hasn't been a bed of roses for the past few weeks as compare to the first few weeks of this semester. Or should I say, it was far worse than the previous semester? True that, we had more time to ourselves mainly because most of my group mates including myself, completed our third and last Cross Disciplinary Subject during the October Vacation, which left us more time to play.

But.... I think I took it for granted. Made use of every possible break to do the most unproductive stuff ever, weekends were a blast.... Reality only set upon me (or us) that deadlines were nearing and we start panicking. Met up with major hiccups/obstacles/conflicts along the way and such.
I thought everyone was in fault, and that includes me. Faults as in misunderstandings & miscommunication (please don't read too much into "faults") and we didn't clear the air...right?
And yup I think I myself read too much into the most intricate details.

Apart from that, like what others have said, I stress myself up too easily. Too Easily. Such that I got so upset and looked at the imperfections of others that I lost myself. I was on my way to school one morning and I thought to myself that I should have been thankful through it all. I should have been grateful for the people who have been around me. I should have a little trust and not take things in my own stride although sometimes I have no idea I was so cocky (it was definitely, unintentional) when it came to serious stuff. I should have been thankful for every individual. Only then did I realize I got the best people but I have yet to appreciate it.

I just thought I lost myself......and I'm sorry for that.

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