Saturday, November 22, 2008

Despite sleeping at 3, I woke up early in the morning at 7.30am to pack my stuff for the trip to the beach. I packed my camera and then dad says he wants to take a look at the Taiwan photos while I'm at sentosa so I loaded the pictures in his lappy and I FORGOT TO PACK INSIDE MY BAG! :(
Worst of all when I was at the bus stop, I saw a bus and happily boarded it without knowing where I was heading so I ended up at some place and I had to cab to interchange in the end. Gosh it was so embarrassing :(
So i told Fiona, maybe God doesn't wants me to bring my camera today because the pimple on my face is really ugly! And then when I reached Siloso beach, my friends were poking fun of me about the pimple on my face WHAT IS THIS YOU TELL ME WHAT IS THIS! :(
I was feeling all drained out even before I got the chance to play but in the end who knows where the energy came from and then I started to play like some mad cow. Getting to talk to others whom I don't really talk to was fun too because it's like I get to know them better. I feel that I'm better at talking to strangers nowadays :S
During dinner, practically almost everyone blurted out nonsense which made it really fun so yeah we headed home soon after that.
Cya everyone I'm on some secret mission to attend to. No not really, but I helping a friend of mine to get into pinevale at midnight! :)
I'm very, very burnt ouch help

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