Monday, July 14, 2008

Yaaaaay I met dear Natalie today after school to get my present and the presents are freaking cuteeeee. The present received was given by my navteens camp group last year, which consists of Natalie, Darren, Yiwen, Weizhi and Samuel. Thanks peopleeeee :)

Yeah and the whole day I was thinking why people say I'm wild. People come up to me and say: hey I saw you at zouk/chijmes recently. Or they went: hey you look like you go clubbing. And in school today I was complaining to Gladys and kept asking her in what way I look wild.

ANDDDDDDD when I met Natalie, I told her the same thing. Hahaha and it's pretty funny lah. Maybe I look mature? :S
Ugh I don't know.

say bye to school shoes soon :)

I am sixteen going on seventeen
Baby, It's time to think
Better beware
Be canny and careful
Baby, you're on the brink

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