Saturday, February 28, 2009

Shiat everyone, shiat. It's 1am now and I gotta wake up at 7am later for my medical checkup. Sunday will be no better cuz I'll have to wake up at 5.15am WHO CAN GIVE ME A MORNING CALL ON SUNDAY PLEASE? I'll love you on Sunday.
Plus, I received my enrollment package just freaking 2 day ago! The enrollment package is like the talk of the town some time 2 to 3 weeks ago among poly students and I went: huh what enrollment package?!
I've been bloghopping and so many have gone for their medical checkup and sent their enrollment but poor me. I got so irritated with the enrollment package. That big brown envelop is a turn off I tell you.
I'll be having my medical checkup at Changi Airport and I heard there's a urine test! :O I can't just possibly pee like that when the doctor ask me to, right?! I have to pee at my own comfort! (Omg I sound so bimbotic here)
I cross my fingers hoping not to gain weight and spoil the weighing machine and no injections for me please! I've been munching on junk stuff and even got a cup of this bubble milk tea ice cream this afternoon @ Bugis with Venus and it was so heavenly. Omg I must stop thinking of fooooood :(
Then after that she suggested something really great so she persuaded me to her place to have some curry. Shit laaaa I'm sure the weighing machine will be so screwed.

And right now, I'm craving for an 6 inch Subway Melt and a subway cookie.

I shall keep myself occupied so that I wont feel like eatinggg! Tomorrow will be fun!

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