Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Walau I think Wednesdays are going to be my most hated day. Well at least for the next four months or so... I dislike my Macroecons tutor!! Don't know how I should put it but anyway I bet you guys will dislike him too. Not that he's mean or whatsoever he just whines and fuss even when we sneeze. Like what the hell right!!

Speaking of which I think the girls I'm close to in the class caught the flu buggy and I'm not an exception. Pretty sad!! Because it was darn hard for me to concentrate during lecture and I couldn't really hear what the lecturer was teaching because I was busy blowing my nose and that was part of the fundamentals of Macro Economics. Must.catch.up or else I'll die trying to catch up at the later part. Once bitten twice shy I must learn my lesson and pull my sockies up! I must, I must, I must. But the iTouch is such a distraction.

Must control. Must control.

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