Sunday, May 24, 2009

Die or what?
Did my teacher not elaborate properly on the project that made everyone confused or is it just me? I think it's the latter. I know, lab lessons were NEVER at all interesting. Lessons were long and draggy. We have it once a week, 3 hours of Computer Systems and Applications lab lessons. Didn't know anything about the project until this friend came lamenting about how hard her project is.
'Ey, we're in the same course, how come we don't have the same project?'
'No you go check. It's due tomorrow.'
'Tomorrow. Wow.'


I have a introduction on spreadsheets do to. Not only that but I have to play around with Microsoft Excel 2007 to get the things right.
But hang on, my laptop is sent for repair and it is at Funan.

Perhaps I'll give them a call and see if I can pick it up tomorrow. I really need my laptop for Microsoft office 2007 because the other 2 desktop and laptop in my house don't have the software I want.

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