Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm so exhaustedddddd. From everything! Everything!!

Had breakfast at Macs with Venus then went to school for my tutorials. People say, poly life is so relaxed but I beg to differ! I wake up feeling lethargic every morning. I drag my lazy ass off to school. I study. I come home. I sleep. Oh, dinnertime. Study and sleep.

But today was something different. Had my vb trials and ON THE WHOLE it was rather successful. Got peeved when I saw some... or rather this person. He was upstairs. He looked. I stared. I still don't understand what's his valid reason for..... ugh I am not allowed to tarnish any teacher's reputation in TP am I? But God has plans I suppose...

I was such a smart alec. Should have worn my kneepad because the floor was slippery and while doing the first drill, I scraped my knee. It's like the worst abrasion I ever had, seriously! Did spiking and ya my back pain resurfaced. Then we played match. Am very lucky to get into the first 1x although I was like the last few. But then again... 8 years of training came to waste? It's too early to say. I want to prove my worth because this means a lot to me. Never have I been in such a position. So hence my mixed feelings. New coach says I'm rusty too.

Prata with my teammates for dinner/supper! On the way back, my friend called me and we talked... Because this year, he steps down from vb and so happen that TP's coach is his coach. Was complaining to him because the coach speaks in Chinese!!! I only managed to catch a phrase which went 'fei liang quan' (fly two rounds). Oh welloz I wonder how my friend manage to survive 4 years of chinese coaching. I need a translater! I am no jiak-kang-tang but I seriously suck at Chinese. I want to speak more hua wen.

Andddd, the world is so small. My primary school coach used to coach Betty Sec and RGS and there's this girl from BSS so I asked her if she her coach was * and yes it was! Poly and JC meant major reshuffling so everyone bumps into each other and we become friends with our friend's friend. Her name is Juanne and she's from CMM what a smart kid unlike me.

Omg my knee is turning purpleeeee. Purple spells Barney.

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