After taking almost the whole bus journey of bus 72, I'm glad that I didn't choose AJC or NYP because the journey is so bloody long and within one month, I'm confident that I'll develop piles. HAHA I made the right decision afterall :D
Met Fatty and CY and went into the sports hall at 2.30 ONLY TO WATCH THE LAST FEW POINTS OF THE LAST SET which totally sucks. Jaren told me NYG vs NAS will be at 2.30 and the guys match will be at 4pm! Bullshit! But anywayz I'm quite happy for the guys because they deserve it. From what I see for the past 4 years, trainings have NEVER been easy and when I used to talk to some of them (which I believe it was quite some time ago), they told me they had to run to bedok reservior, run one round around bedok reservior, and run back to school in the afternoons, and training at night. How taxing can it get?
So I got to meet my vb kakis as well. Like those I haven't seen in ages but we still do keep in contact. Am really happy to see them too! Waited for Jaren and co for their prize presentation and photo taking session to end since they'll be taking bu 72 back to catch a football match at TP while I met the girls and we went to the chalet. The chalet was alright on the whole. I had several cups of the Singapore Sling then I looked so red that everyone thought I was drunk! And I was pretty tired so I lazed on the bed and they thought I was really drunk!
Deanna's mom sent us back and I still can taste a tinge of Vodka and Spore sling in my mouth.
Am so tired.
Oh look another conversation popped out.
I'm all drenched =( says:
*hey u there?
★Graceee says:
*heeeey yup!
I'm all drenched =( says:
*heard that u were drunk
★Graceee says:
*you didn't stay over?
I'm all drenched =( says:
*still can come online
★Graceee says:
I'm all drenched =( says:
*so many people said
*too many people
*had to send my friends home also
*u really power
*drunk still can come online
Oh, my gosh. I swear I wasn't the least drunk.
Preeeettty Tiffany!
The most child like looks and behavior junior I've ever seen :D hahahaha
who's willing to come over to my place to pack my clothes with me pleaseeeee? Prettty pleaseeeee or else it'd collapse like an avalaunch? So much for donating my clothes to the Salvation Army :(
I want a revamp. I want to design my room like what I saw in the kids section at Ikea.
But packing my stuff pisses me to the core. Well actually I'm negotiating for a queen size bed for myself now. My bed so so filled with stuffed toys. So much so that I have to stuff my soft toys into the wardrobe as seen below! I still have more soft toys on my brother's double decker bed AND also, underneath my parents' bed. Omg.
If this isn't intimidating enough...
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