Saturday, June 6, 2009

So today I left home a little earlier the meet Venus to prepare Brenda's birthday gift. We made her a doll like the one Venus made for me quite some time ago....
Was complaning why Venus gave me such rough and ugly hair whereas Brenda's hair is hot pink, soft and silky ha ha.
Head to Minds Café to celebrate Brenda's birthday. Could say it was an official team gathering. The somewhat celebration was quite a blast. All of us had our share of fun. There was much laughter.

Ugh, these days I always find myself lost for words. Don't really have the drive to blog anymore and if my post is long, it tends to be a sad emo post. Ugh what's with me.... :(

ANYWAYZ Happy Belated 17th to you Brenda! Again! Wished you yesterday again but no harm wishing you again! Study hard in MJC anddddd hope to see you in school and play vb with the girls soon!!

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