Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yay I'm quite happy today. Except for the part whereby I have to drag myself out of bed at 7.45am! I snoozed the alarms for half and hour and I couldn't take it anymore cuz the alarms will sound every 2 minutes. Washed up, changed my clothes and SLEPT again till about 9.10am and met the girls at 9.30am.
So we really had much fun together and had a somewhat fantastic lunch, at least to me cuz we were somewhere near redhill so we ate at some dim sum shop. I am so proud of myself because I frankly speaking I thought I'll get lost with the girls but hell no, I have quite a sense of direction :O
Was home by evening and I slept after I took my dinner and am awake now. Dang I'm still feeling really sleepy nowww. Tomorrow is meet the parents' session and I'm going to be my brother's guardian how cool is that! Someone please please please wake me up at 7am tomorrow!

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