Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Praise the Lord I or rather, we, are done with Miro Economics project and presentation. Those sleepless night, those dry, panda eyes, those unsightly eyebags... Spent a good number of hours completing and touching up on my project.

Oh yes most of us wore formal wear today and we looked so smart hehe! I myself think I suit office wear too! But the fact that I have to wear my heels. I limped back home with aching legs and walked with legs open. Ungram sights but who cares. Comfort comes first doncha think so. I felt like I could die climbing 4 flights of i-don't-know-how-many-steps staircase with heels. Climbing 4 flights of stairs with havis is too easy a feat and talking about that I think I NEED to get another pair of havis. Like the edges are totally rounded anddddd they need more new friends on my shoe rack. Speaking of which my sandals will be collected tomorrowwwww!!!

Today I went for the alumni training and when I saw the number of people present at first, I thought 'What a pathetic training! Should have stayed at home to study!' but more people came late. A pity that I have to leave early to do my other projects. Seems like I should go back to the Do not disturb me I am doing my project-Mode again...

Haven't had dinner. It's too late for instant noodles so should I have scramble eggs with ham?

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