Friday, September 4, 2009

Made brownies with Venus today and today I bought a tub of cookies and cream ice cream to go with my brownies + Hershey's chocolate syrup = Yum. Love it. ^^b

Wasn't really in the mood to bake brownies today because I was still feeling tired. And I've got like mysterious scratches all over my body (I didn't scratch myself ok) and it's neither itchy nor pain. I find it darn ugly. I wanna go see a skin doctor for my skin and get lip balm for my lips too. Oh shit I sound too much like a spoilt brat here but I am not. I repeat I am not spoilt. Although I do get the things I want most of the time I try not to depend on my parents. Oh ya I hope they like the brownies too!

Oh yes did I tell you I'm a sucker at baking. I preheat the oven without checking whut's inside. To my horror.... THERE IS A PLASTIC MIXER RIGHT INSIDE THE OVEN. FREAKING 200 DEGREE CELCIUS and it melted in the oven. I went 'Oh shit the metal tray to put the brownie mixture is inside the already preheated oven' after 10 minutes when I couldn't find the metal tray. There was no burnt plastic smell...

I wanna get a feather bobby pin from f21. Affordable but not worth the price because I'd be paying nearly 10 bucks for one pathetic bobby pin. I can tune to Budget Mode and just...get a packet of bobby pins, pluck a bird's feather and stick it on the bobby pins.
Nah I was just kidding :)

I realise I do really have a soft spot for hair accessories and I wouldn't mind spending my money on em. I have a box of hairbands headbands fanciful clips and rubberbands bandanas oh well you name it. Like the braided headband I just got from ASOS, I barely touch it already... I like my new leopard and zebra f21 hairbands and they are my new toys . But I still think the feather bobby pin is reaaallllly pretty.


Like a moon. Mid Autumn Festival is coming and I love playing with candles :D


Melted plastic mixture has bubbles on it :( Oh man.


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