Monday, August 17, 2009

'A beautiful game is one when true sportsmanship is shown. Winning or Losing is nothing as long as you give in your 100%...'

Saw this somewhere and I couldn't agree more to this because I feel that this does not only apply to volleyball but in my daily life too. Hope that I will abide by this by giving my 100%.

On a sidenote,


Annnnnnnd, how's this? Gosh I need a revamp for my room. I need a room makeover. Will pick a day after the exams just the pack up my whole room! And omg Econs is driving me krazy. I have revised the whole of Micro Econs 4 times already and the formulae and graphs are at my fingertips... BUT I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I SHOULD APPLY THEM! :(


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