Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I really do want to study but there are SO many distractions around me... Just so you know, I have been feeling very terrible latey. Not just academically but you know.... My results are already a huge disappointment to me. I have put in so much of my time and effort to do my projects and making sure it is up to my standard BUT I did not do well in any. That's just my thoughts but I don't know how bad is bad to you guys. Not very happy although my lowest grade is a C+. I wonder why is the polytechnic's marking scheme is so strict. If I were to change the grading system back to secondary school, I would have gotten all A1s, A2s and B3s with B3 the lowest grade. Now can you comprehend my stress level!!? Poly isn't that slacky afterall.
With this let me show you an interesing visual on how I study.
The words seem to drop..


I would very much like to thank Huiwen my Best BB for giving me a pep talk followed by a comfort food session. Thank you for cheering me up!!! And also to the classmates whom I sat near to during Econs today because you girls have really enlightened me what's best to do when I am in a midst of a difficult situation.

What made me so disturbed and left me dead stoning in Econs tutorial is the sport I love. Captain of shs alumni team texted me 'We have a friendly match with TP this Wednesday. Pleas be at the sports hall by 7.'
Then came another message from the TP's captain which said 'Reminder: we have a friendly match against SHS alumni this Wednesday. Please be in the sports hall by 6.'

I am so very stucked in the middle of nowhere.

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